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Most of my reader started to ping me After a notification that appeared in the Google AdSense account displaying

We encourage you to publish your seller information in the Google sellers.json file. Visit the account settings page to review your current visibility status.

They were looking for the best solution and what does it means, why it appeared.

In this article I will let you know everything about the seller.json file, but first let us know,

How To Solve Google sellers.json In AdSense?

The process of solving this error is very simple, just follow the instructions provided below.

  • Click Action under the notification
Click Action
  • By mistake if you clicked on dismissed then you can access it by clicking the bell icon
  • Enter any of your domain name (without including https://, http://, www, ftp://)on which you are displaying advertisement with this AdSense > choose transparent.
  • It is not mandatory to enter site URL if you don’t have any website just leave this empty and choose > transparent.
Enter domain name and choose transparent
  • Click Dismiss
Click Dismiss to remove the Google sellers.json notification

That’s all about AdSense sellers.json issue.

What Is sellers.json?

Sellers.json is an IAB Tech Lab standard that helps to increases transparency in the ads environment and will help to reduce the fraud rate.

It is a file containing publisher information such as Name, Domain (If Added), Publisher ID. This gives advertisers a reliable way to discover and verify the identity of publishers.

For more information visit AdSense Help Page and IAB Tech Lab page.

Wrap Up

I hope this article would be useful for you to solve the sellers.json file issue in the Google AdSense account. If you have any queries feel free to drop it below in the comments.

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