This is the step-by-step tutorial on GoDaddy Blogger Setup: How To Connect GoDaddy Domain To Blogger by DNS setup. By following this guide, you can easily add GoDaddy domain to blogger (blogspot). CMS like & offer us to create a free website. But they don’t provide a custom domain because the domain comes at a cost.

For this tutorial we will be using one of our client domain Let’s dive into the tutorial to complete the setup.

How To Add GoDaddy Domain To Blogger?

Follow the below steps to complete GoDaddy Blogger Setup, in easiest way without any error.

Step 1: Login to blogger dashboard
Step 2: Go to Settings > Basic > Set up a third-party URL for your blog

Go to Settings > Basic > Set up a third-party URL for your blog

Step 3: Enter your domain name as shown below > Click save

Enter Domain Name

Note: Here an error occurred, but don’t worry about it, this is just to verify domain ownership. These are 2 CNAME records that you have to add in the domain DNS record

 verify domain ownership

Step 4: Navigate to GoDaddy (Domain Registrar) profile > Products

Go to profile > Products

Step 5: Click on DNS of the domain you want to add

Click on DNS of the website you want to add
  • Here we have to add two CNAME records option
  • But in case if it is not available, click on ADD and choose 2 CNAME records as it is displayed below.
ADD and choose 2 CNAME records

Step 6: Now follows the below snapshot and Save These 2 CNAME records

  • Copy 1st CNAME record from the blogger and paste in the DNS
  • Copy 2nd CNAME record from the blogger and paste in the DNS
Save cname records

Step 7: Here the CNAME records has been updated

CNAME records added

Step 8: Go back to Blogger settings, and Click on DNS settings file, A text file containing 4 IP address will download. These IPs are same for all the websites.

 verify domain ownership

Step 9: Go to GoDaddy account and click On Add

click add
  • In “Type” select “A
  • Host @
  • In Points to box add these 4 IP addresses one by one
paste ip address
add all these ip addresses

Note: It may take 10 min-48hr to update DNS. Most of the time, it gets updated in just 5-10 minutes. Don’t worry if it is taking too long. Follow the below steps once it is successfully updated, otherwise you will keep getting this error again and again.

Step 10: Again go to Blogger > Settings > Basic > Fill your domain name

blogger settings

Step 11: Click on Edit

click edit

Step 12: Tick in the redirect box and save

check redirect box

This is how you can use GoDaddy domain with blogger. Once everything is done to avoid any issue in the future, it is advised from my side to setup domain forwarding in godaddy.

Wrap Up

This is the easiest and simplest way to add GoDaddy domain to blogger, if any issue is occurring while connecting GoDaddy domain to blogger you can drop them in the below comments so that I could resolve it.

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